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Kaweka Hospital
Clinics at 109
From Monday (10 February) you’ll notice changes to our carpark at Kaweka Hospital.
As we get closer to the opening of the second stage of our building, we need to make some temporary changes to access to ensure everyone’s safety while building works continue.
The main changes include;
• The current main entrance will be open to pick up and drop off only. No access to the car park will be available.
• The Canning Road entrance (currently chained off) will become the main entrance for this period.
• Pedestrian access from the car park to the hospital will remain the same as it currently is.
• New temporary signs will be in place to alert you to the right place to park.
The good news is there’s no reduction in the number of parks available for use.
If you’ve got questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via our social media or by phoning 06 241 4100 and asking for our Facilities Manager.
Thanks for your support and patience…good things are coming!